Outlaw Adelaide

OFA Hips: Good

OFA Elbows: Clear

OFA Heart: Normal

Adelaide is a wonderful example of a pretty fawn girl. Despite her significant head, bone, and musculature, she possesses a balancing feminine face and gaze. She is often confused for a male in public. Out of all of our Boerboels, Adelaide loves to watch and guard the bunnies in our back yard the most. She is quite the match for Lionel when it is time to wrestle, though I sense he holds back a little bit to make sure everyone has fun. Adelaide is easily our best dancer, both on her own and when she holds on to our shoulders.

Jotunheim Andromeda

Bostu Valkyrie

FCI Hips: A1/A1 (Clear)

FCI Elbows: 0/0 (Clear)